LSPM – RF Power Meters

The LSPM Tri­ple High-Speed Power Meter is a three chan­nel, high speed, high accu­ra­cy and high dyna­mic ran­ge RF Power Meter.
Com­pen­sa­ti­on of linea­ri­ty, fre­quen­cy and an actively con­trol­led power sen­sor tem­pe­ra­tu­re gua­ran­tee accu­ra­te mea­su­re­ments from less than ‑75 dBm to at least +12 dBm. A dyna­mic ran­ge of >80 dB is achie­ved for many frequencies.

The LSPM RF Power Meter’s high sam­pling rate allows for high reso­lu­ti­on time-domain signal ana­ly­sis. The Power Meter can be syn­chro­ni­zed with signal gene­ra­tors in order to rea­li­ze high reso­lu­ti­on pul­se analysis.

LSPM High-Speed Power RF Meters can be com­bi­ned with LUMI­LOOP’s LSPro­be E‑Field Pro­bes to acce­le­ra­te stan­dard EMC mea­su­re­ments by a fac­tor of more than 100 over tra­di­tio­nal setups.

Features of LSPM

  • Fre­quen­cy ran­ge from 9 kHz – 26.5 (40) GHz
  • Gua­ran­tee accu­ra­te mea­su­re­ments from less than ‑75 dBm to at least +12 dBm
  • Dyna­mic ran­ge of >80 dB for many frequencies
  • Com­pen­sa­ti­on of linea­ri­ty and frequency
  • Actively con­trol­led power sen­sor temperature
  • 1 / 2 / 3 Chan­nels available


  • High sam­pling rate allows for high reso­lu­ti­on time-domain signal analysis
  • Syn­chro­ni­ze with signal gene­ra­tors to rea­li­ze high reso­lu­ti­on pul­se analysis
  • Acce­le­ra­tes stan­dard EMC mea­su­re­ments by fac­tor 100 !

LSPM Test Automation Integration

  • Roh­de & Schwarz – ELEKTRA
  • Roh­de & Schwarz – EMC32 – Ver­si­on 10.0
  • Nexio – BAT-EMC
  • AR – Emcware
  • TDK RF Solu­ti­ons – Radia­ted Immu­ni­ty Lab
  • Toyo – IM5CS – Con­duc­ted Immu­ni­ty for IEC 61000–4‑6 and BCI for Automotive 

6 models, 1 to ∞ channels

The classic RF power meter

The LSPM 1.0 covers a fre­quen­cy ran­ge from 9 kHz to 6 GHz. The LSPM 2.0 covers a fre­quen­cy ran­ge from 9 kHz to 26.5 GHz.
Both power meters are available with 3, 2 or 1 chan­nel. Mul­ti­ple LSPM devices can be hard­ware syn­chro­ni­zed to crea­te mea­su­re­ment sys­tems with vir­tual­ly unli­mi­t­ed num­ber of power meter chan­nels. The syn­chro­niza­ti­on can be exten­ded to LSPro­be systems.

Add the + to your Lab – classic RF power meter with touch screen and Ethernet interface 

Brand new: Laser-Powered RF Power Meter

Connection Rearwards

Both, the LSPM 1.0 and the LSPM 2.0 model, are also available with rear­ward con­nec­tors.
This helps for a bet­ter fit and inte­gra­ti­on in your 19″ rack. 

LSPM 2.0 rear­ward con­nec­tor front view
LSPM 2.0 rear­ward con­nec­tor back view
LSPM + rear­ward con­nec­tors exam­p­le of built-time option

19″ Rack Integration

The RF Power Meters can be used as stand-alo­ne device or inte­gra­ted in a 19″ rack via front pla­tes.
This fle­xi­bi­li­ty allows for the opti­mum fit to your mea­su­re­ment needs and lab space available.

Inte­gra­ti­on 2x LSPM 1.0 – 5 chan­nels in 19″ rack, Part No. 3025
Mulit device inte­gra­ti­on: 2x LSPro­bes CI and LSPM 1.0 in 19″ rack, Part No. 3023

LSPM Services

Power Meter Calibration

All LUMILOOP RF Power Meters use manu­fac­tu­rer cali­bra­ti­on data as well as optio­nal exter­nal accre­di­ted cali­bra­ti­on for obtai­ning accu­ra­te power values.
We offer the all-round care­free ser­vice of accre­di­ted cali­bra­ti­on acc. to ISO 17025.
This includes che­cking your mea­su­ring equip­ment and hand­ling the accre­di­ted cali­bra­ti­on.
Plea­se click here to learn more about our cali­bra­ti­on service.

LSPM Cali­bra­ti­on Ser­vicePart No.
LSPM 1.0/ LSPM 1.0+ ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on (9 kHz – 8.2 GHz), Single-Channel2201
LSPM 1.0/ LSPM 1.0+ ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on (9 kHz – 8.2 GHz) – Dual channel2202
LSPM 1.0/ LSPM 1.0+ ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on (9 kHz – 8.2 GHz) – Tri­ple channel2203
LSPM 1.1 ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on (9 kHz – 8.2 GHz), Single-Channel2205
LSPM 1.1 ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on (9 kHz – 8.2 GHz) – Dual channel2206
LSPM 1.1 ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on (9 kHz – 8.2 GHz) – Tri­ple channel2207
LSPM 2.0/ LSPM 2.0+ ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on (9 kHz – 26.5 GHz) – sin­gle channel2211
LSPM 2.0/ LSPM 2.0+ ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on (9 kHz – 26.5 GHz) – dual channel2212
LSPM 2.0/ LSPM 2.0+ ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on (9 kHz – 26.5 GHz) – tri­ple channel2213
LSPM 2.1 ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on (9 kHz – 26.5 GHz) – sin­gle channel2214
LSPM 2.1 ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on (9 kHz – 26.5 GHz) – dual channel2215
LSPM 2.1 ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on (9 kHz – 26.5 GHz) – tri­ple channel2216

Third Party and In-House Software Integration

The LUMILOOP RF Power Meters are inte­gra­ted in many third par­ty EMC test auto­ma­ti­on soft­ware. In-house EMC soft­ware can easi­ly talk to the devices via well-docu­men­ted SCPI com­mands.
This makes the inte­gra­ti­on into your lab sur­roun­dings as easy as pie!

Continuous & Pulsed RF Power Measurements

The high-speed RF Power Meters enable con­ti­nuous RF power mea­su­re­ments with high reso­lu­ti­on, high speed and low noi­se.
The high speed gains hig­her accu­ra­cy by aver­aging.
The Power Meters are not limi­t­ed to the acqui­si­ti­on of qua­si-sta­tic power levels.
With the sam­pling rate of 2 MSamples/s, LUMI­LOOP’s Power Meters are able to mea­su­re rapidly chan­ging RF signals. The LSPM’s lar­ge dyna­mic ran­ge and fast pul­se respon­se make it ide­al­ly sui­ted for the ana­ly­sis of pul­sed signals and sweep measurements.

Triggered Power Measurements

Trig­ge­red power mea­su­re­ments allow the user to take full advan­ta­ge of the LSPM’s excep­tio­nal­ly high-speed mea­su­re­ments.
Wave­form acqui­si­ti­on can be trig­ge­red by soft­ware, by hard­ware (BNC trig­ger input) or a channel’s power level with a set thres­hold.
The trig­ger sys­tem has a built-in dead-time of 100 μs, i.e., it can pro­cess up to 10,000 events per second.

LSPM GUI radar tab

Sweep Measurements

The LSPM Power Meters sup­port the eva­lua­ti­on of a power wave­form con­tai­ning a level or fre­quen­cy sweep, thus enab­ling sped-up mea­su­re­ments. For sweep mea­su­re­ments the acqui­red wave­form typi­cal­ly con­ta­ins mul­ti­ple sec­tions of equal size, whe­re each sec­tion is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by con­stant mea­su­re­ment con­di­ti­ons.
Most com­mon­ly, the fre­quen­cy set­ting of a set­up is alte­red in a step-wise man­ner in order to mea­su­re the fre­quen­cy-depen­dent power of a set­up under test. In this case, each sec­tion of the power wave­form will have a dif­fe­rent, con­stant fre­quen­cy asso­cia­ted with it. Sweep mea­su­re­ments return the aver­a­ged power value for each sec­tion of the wave­form.
Dead-times at the begin­ning and end of each sec­tion may be appli­ed to account for the set­ting cha­rac­te­ristics of the set­up under test. Due to the 2 MSample/s sam­pling rate of the LSPM Power Meters, wave­form sec­tions may be shorter than a mil­li­se­cond, enab­ling the eva­lua­ti­on of more than a thousand distinct fre­quen­ci­es per second.
This method is much fas­ter than set­ting the fre­quen­ci­es indi­vi­du­al­ly and mea­su­ring power values via mul­ti­ple dis­crete queries.

Power Statistics

Two types of power sta­tis­tics are available for LUMILOOP RF Power Meters: con­ti­nuous sta­tis­tics and trig­ge­red sta­tis­tics based on acqui­red wave forms.
Con­ti­nuous sta­tis­tics eva­lua­te all mea­su­red power values from the time that sta­tis­tics coll­ec­tion is enab­led to the time that a sta­tis­tics snapshot is crea­ted. Con­ti­nuous sta­tis­tics are coll­ec­ted in the back­ground and can be per­for­med over arbi­tra­ry peri­ods of time. Trig­ge­red sta­tis­tics eva­lua­te only power values of wave forms in memo­ry.
All SCPI com­mands of the sta­tis­tics sub­sys­tem are available for both con­ti­nuous and trig­ge­red coll­ec­ted and trig­ge­red power values.

LSPM GUI con­ti­nuous statistics

Stream Recording

The LSPM Power Meters sup­port recor­ding data at the power meter’s full sam­pling rate for vir­tual­ly unli­mi­t­ed dura­ti­on of time.
The recor­ding time is only limi­t­ed by the disk space available.

Virtual Power Meters

The LUMILOOP TCP Ser­ver is capa­ble of instan­tia­ting vir­tu­al power meters inclu­ding the simu­la­ti­on of arbi­tra­ry power pat­terns. Vir­tu­al power meters can replace phy­si­cal meters and signal gene­ra­tors during mea­su­re­ment set­up, fea­ture demons­tra­ti­on, third par­ty EMC soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment and off-line signal ana­ly­sis, inclu­ding set­ups using mul­ti­ple power meters.
Vir­tu­al power meters sup­port all ope­ra­ting modes. Trig­ge­ring is sup­port­ed with the excep­ti­on of exter­nal trig­ger input and out­put. Vir­tu­al power meters sup­port the coll­ec­tion of con­ti­nuous statistics.

IEC Testing – Selected International Standards

IEC 61000–4‑3Elec­tro­ma­gne­tic com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty (EMC) – Part 4–3 : Test­ing and mea­su­re­ment tech­ni­ques – Radia­ted, radio-fre­quen­cy, elec­tro­ma­gne­tic field immu­ni­ty test
IEC 61000–4‑21Elec­tro­ma­gne­tic com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty (EMC) – Part 4–21: Test­ing and mea­su­re­ment tech­ni­ques – Rever­be­ra­ti­on cham­ber test methods
ISO 11452–4Road vehic­les — Com­po­nent test methods for elec­tri­cal dis­tur­ban­ces from nar­row­band radia­ted elec­tro­ma­gne­tic ener­gy — Part 4: Harness exci­ta­ti­on methods / BCI Tests
ISO 11452–9Road vehic­les — Com­po­nent test methods for elec­tri­cal dis­tur­ban­ces from nar­row­band radia­ted elec­tro­ma­gne­tic ener­gy — Part 9: Por­ta­ble transmitters
ETSI EN 300 328Wide­band trans­mis­si­on systems
ETSI EN 301 893Broad­band radio measurements

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