LSProbe – Laser Powered E‑Field Probes

The minia­tu­ri­zed LSPro­be E‑Field Pro­bes ensu­re unat­ten­ded, unin­ter­rupt­ed mea­su­re­ments com­bi­ned with high reso­lu­ti­on, high speed and low noi­se over the enti­re test period.

With the gal­va­ni­cal­ly insu­la­ted power sup­p­ly, the need for bat­te­ries is now eli­mi­na­ted. The field pro­bes do not only mea­su­re avera­ge values but the time cour­se of fields. With an unpre­ce­den­ted wide dyna­mic ran­ge and fast pul­se respon­se, LSPro­be pro­vi­des the user com­ple­te­ly new mea­su­ring options.

LSPro­be allows for a hig­her effi­ci­en­cy through fas­ter, shorter and lower-cost test­ing inter­vals.
Two dif­fe­rent types are available:

ISO / IEC / ETSI Testing – Selected International Standards

ISO 11451–2Road vehic­les — Vehic­le test methods for elec­tri­cal dis­tur­ban­ces from nar­row band radia­ted elec­tro­ma­gne­tic ener­gy — Part 2 Off-vehic­le radia­ti­on sources
ISO WD 11451–5Road vehic­les — Vehic­le test methods for elec­tri­cal dis­tur­ban­ces from nar­row band radia­ted elec­tro­ma­gne­tic ener­gy — Part 5: Rever­be­ra­ti­on chamber
ISO 11452–2Road vehic­les — Com­po­nent test methods for elec­tri­cal dis­tur­ban­ces from nar­row band radia­ted elec­tro­ma­gne­tic ener­gy — Part 2: Absor­ber-lined shiel­ded enclosure
ISO 11452–11Road vehic­les — Com­po­nent test methods for elec­tri­cal dis­tur­ban­ces from nar­row band radia­ted elec­tro­ma­gne­tic ener­gy — Part 11: Rever­be­ra­ti­on chamber
IEC 61000–4‑3Elec­tro­ma­gne­tic com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty (EMC) – Part 4–3 : Test­ing and mea­su­re­ment tech­ni­ques – Radia­ted, radio-fre­quen­cy, elec­tro­ma­gne­tic field immu­ni­ty test
IEC 61000–4‑21Elec­tro­ma­gne­tic com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty (EMC) – Part 4–21: Test­ing and mea­su­re­ment tech­ni­ques – Rever­be­ra­ti­on cham­ber test methods
ETSI EN 300 328Wide­band trans­mis­si­on sys­tems; Data trans­mis­si­on equip­ment ope­ra­ting in the 2,4 GHz band; Har­mo­nis­ed Stan­dard for access to radio spectrum
ETSI EN 301 8935 GHz RLAN
Indus­tri­al OEM stan­dards

Features of LSProbe

  • Fre­quen­cy ran­ge from 10 Hz – 18 GHz
  • Unri­va­led mea­su­re­ment speed (radar pul­se measurement)
  • Hig­hest mea­su­re­ment accu­ra­cy (linea­ri­ty and resolution)
  • Grea­test dyna­mics over the enti­re fre­quen­cy range
  • Relia­ble and fail-safe design no start-up time 
  • Imme­dia­te­ly rea­dy for use cus­to­mer-ori­en­ted war­ran­ty and ser­vice conditions

Test Automation Integration

  • Roh­de & Schwarz – ELEKTRA
  • Roh­de & Schwarz – EMC32 – Ver­si­on 10.0
  • Nexio – BAT-EMC
  • Ame­tek – Com­pli­ance 5
  • Ame­tek – Com­pli­ance and Immu­ni­ty 6 (CIS 6)
  • ETS-Lind­gren – TILE!
  • Radi­teq – Radi­Ma­ti­on
  • Teseq – WIN 6000
  • Tech­no Sci­ence Japan – TEPTO
  • AR – Emcware
  • Fran­ko­nia – Pro­ve­EMC
  • TDK RF Solu­ti­ons – Radia­ted Immu­ni­ty Lab
  • Toyo – VI5RS – Radia­ted Immu­ni­ty for Auto­mo­ti­ve testing
  • Toyo – IM5RS -  Radia­ted Immu­ni­ty for IEC 61000–4‑3 testing

LSProbe Accesories

CI-250+ with 19″ Rack Kit 

The CI-250+ is equip­ped with a 4.3″ touch screen and Ether­net inter­face. It runs the LUMILOOP TCP Ser­ver and a sim­pli­fied GUI.

CI-250+ has an inter­nal power sup­p­ly. Fiber optic con­nec­tion as well as trig­ge­ring and syn­chro­niza­ti­on opti­ons are unch­an­ged com­pared to a clas­sic CI-250.

Dimen­si­ons: width x height x depth = 200 x 88 x 150 mm (fits in 2 19″ height units, rack mount kit available)

The Com­pu­ter Inter­face CI-250+ is an optio­nal upgrade of the Com­pu­ter Inter­face CI-250. It can only be orde­red com­bi­ned with one of the fol­lo­wing part no.: 1111, 1112, 1113, 1120, 2107–2109, 2117 – 2119

Upgrade CI-250+Part. No. 1005
CI-250+ Rack KitPart. No. 3026

LSProbe Stands

Fiber Optical Cables 

All LSPro­be Sys­tem cases are equip­ped with the neces­sa­ry pro­ducts to plug-and-mea­su­re right when recei­ving the deli­very.
Lumi­loop offers addi­tio­nal accessories. 

Sacri­fi­ci­al Cable Kit

A set of two 0.5m duplex fiber optic cables with FC/ST and E2000 con­nec­tors. The auto­ma­tic clo­sures of the E2000 con­nec­tors pre­vent con­ta­mi­na­ti­on of the con­nec­tion surfaces.

Artic­lePart No.
Sacri­fi­cal Cable Kit1314
E2000 Cou­pler for Sacri­fi­ci­al Cable Kit1320
Sacri­fi­ci­al Cable Kit Cus­to­mi­zed Length 6m+0.5m

We offer a sacri­fi­ci­al cable kit with cus­to­mi­zed length. This is a sacri­fi­ci­al cable with 6m length, a sacri­fi­ci­al cable with 0.5m length, duplex E2000 cou­pler and one pair of FC/ST cou­plers.
Part No. 1351

Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on Cable

A sepa­ra­te fiber optic exten­si­on can be sup­pli­ed on request in the fol­lo­wing lengths: 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 30m, 50m. The cable is sup­pli­ed with FC/ST con­nec­tors and a sepa­ra­te pair of FC/ST cou­plers . The LSPro­be 1.2 allows for use with 1.000m opti­cal fiber exten­si­on. The LSPro­be 2.0 allows for use with 500m opti­cal fiber exten­si­on.

We also offer out­door fiber optic exten­si­ons in 30m and 50m lengths. On request we can also sup­p­ly dual fiber optic extensions.

Cable lengthPart No.
Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on 5m1302
Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on 10m1303
Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on 15m1304
Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on 20m1305
Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on 30m1321
Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on 50m1322
Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on 100m1323
Out­door Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on Cable

An out­door opti­cal fiber exten­si­on is available in the fol­lo­wing lengths: 20m, 25m, 30m, 50m, 100m, 200m.
The duplex opti­cal-fiber exten­si­on cable is sup­pli­ed with FC/ST con­nec­tors and a sepa­ra­te pair of FC/ST cou­plers.
On request we also sup­p­ly dual fiber optic extensions.

Cable lengthPart No.
Out­door Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on 20m1334
Out­door Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on 25m1339
Out­door Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on 30m1335
Out­door Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on 50m1336
Out­door Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on 100m1337
Out­door Opti­cal Fiber Exten­si­on 200m1338
Cable Drum

Lumi­loop offers robust cable drums for duplex fiber optic cable. The drum is sup­pli­ed with a sacri­fi­ci­al cable with an E2000 con­nec­tor, which is con­nec­ted to the exten­si­on cable, the E2000 cou­pler is inte­gra­ted into the cable drum. The cable reel is sui­ta­ble for indoor and out­door fiber optic cables (the­se are not included in the scope of deli­very). The small cable drum is sui­ta­ble for fiber optics up to 100m. For fiber optic lengths over 100m, we offer lar­ge cable drums.
On request we also offer dual cable drums.

Artic­lePart No.
Cable Drum Small <100m1331
Cable Drum Lar­ge >100m1332
Fiber Optic Clea­ning Kit incl. Fiber Microscope

The fiber con­nec­tor clea­ning kit allows for cle­an­sing the fiber optic con­nec­tor to ensu­re relia­ble ope­ra­ti­on of the LSPro­bes.
The set con­sists of 400x opti­cal fiber micro­scope, two packs of lint-free cas­set­te clea­ning-wipes, fiber optic clea­ning-solu­ti­on pen, an unfil­led iso­pro­pyl alco­hol (IPA) pipette/bottle and spa­re FC/ST dust caps and two E2000 locking caps.
For fur­ther infor­ma­ti­on plea­se read the appli­ca­ti­on note 4 – AN#4 Relia­ble Ope­ra­ti­on of LSPro­bes Laser-Powered Elec­tric-Field Pro­bes.

 Part­No. 1319

LSProbe Services

LSPro­be Cali­bra­ti­on Ser­vicesPart No.
LSPro­be 1.2 ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on 10 kHz to 6 GHz1201
LSPro­be 1.2 ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on 10 kHz to 8.2 GHz1202
LSPro­be 2.0 ISO 17025 Accre­di­ted Cali­bra­ti­on 10 kHz to 18 GHz1206

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