Application Notes

AN#1 LSPro­be Mea­su­ring Radio Jammer

#01 Measuring Radio Jammers

This docu­ment exami­nes how the uni­que fea­tures of LSPro­bes can be exploi­ted for ana­ly­zing the fre­quen­cy hop­ping beha­vi­or of a por­ta­ble radio jam­mer. Radio jam­mers use rela­tively high power, broad­band emis­si­ons for blo­cking spe­ci­fic fre­quen­cy bands.
They employ tech­ni­ques such as rapid fre­quen­cy hop­ping to block unde­si­red radio services.


AN#2 LSPro­be Mea­su­ring Pul­sed Fields

#02 Measuring Pulsed Fields

This docu­ment exami­nes the ope­ra­ti­on of the LSPro­be E‑field pro­bes in the pre­sence of pul­sed elec­tric fields much lar­ger than the spe­ci­fied dama­ge level. The pre­sen­ted results pro­ve the field probe’s har­di­ness and show how it may be used to cha­rac­te­ri­ze
such fields.


AN#3 Mul­ti­pro­be EUT-Moni­to­ring using EMC32

#03 Multiprobe EUT-Monitoring using EMC32

This appli­ca­ti­on note descri­bes the EMC32 set­up pro­ce­du­re for four LSPro­bes E‑field Pro­bes and one LSPM Tri­ple High-Speed Power Meter. EMC32 sup­ports using mul­ti­ple E‑field Pro­bes in two sce­na­ri­os: addi­tio­nal E‑field Pro­bes can be used as moni­to­ring devices out­side the E‑field con­trol loop and E‑field values of four pro­bes can be aver­a­ged for use insi­de the E‑field con­trol loop.


AN#4 Fiber Optic Clea­ning Kit

#04 Reliable Operation of LSProbes Laser-Powered Electric-Field Probes

This docu­ment gives detail­ed ins­truc­tions on ope­ra­ting laser-powered field pro­bes both relia­bly and effortlessly.


AN#6 Cali­bra­ti­on Exam­p­le Anechoic Chamber

#06 Calibration of LSProbes Laser-Powered Electric-Field Probes

This docu­ment descri­bes the pro­ce­du­res of in-house and accre­di­ted exter­nal cali­bra­ti­on of LSProbes.


AN#8 LSPro­be and Antenna

#08 Measuring Isotropy from 1 to 6 GHz

This docu­ment exami­nes the iso­tro­py of the LSPro­be 1.2 E‑field pro­be by mea­su­ring x, y, z and magni­tu­de values of the elec­tri­cal field for diffe­rent pro­be orientations.
