Thank you for meeting us at SAM Zwickau!

It was a plea­su­re mee­ting you during at the 2023 sym­po­si­um on auto­mo­ti­ve and mobi­li­ty, (SAM) in Zwi­ckau.
Won­derful talks took place, net­wor­king, cor­po­ra­te cont­acts, hands-on inno­va­ti­ve vehic­le and mobi­li­ty con­cepts have been intro­du­ced and key­note spee­ches for stu­dents, com­pa­nies, and rese­ar­chers were held – all in the very his­to­ric city of Zwickau.

Lumi­loop is loo­king for talen­ted engi­neers!
We have open posi­ti­ons as cir­cuit deve­lo­per and appli­ca­ti­on engi­neer.
Check out the ope­nings and app­ly now!

© Pic­tures: Hel­ge Geri­scher,