We are happy to announce that the new software release for all LUMILOOP devices is available. Download the new LUMILOOP Installer to benefit from all new features and bug fixes. Our new software is compatible backwards with all prior software releases.
Key Features:
- Single TCP Server and GUI for all LSProbe and LSPM devices.
- Support for all new LUMILOOP devices –– connect your LSProbe 2.0 / LSProbe 1.4 / LSPM 1.1 / LSPM 2.1 and get to work.
- New and improved GUI (Graphical User Interface).
- ISO 11451-5 closed loop E-Field control –– accelerate your reverberation chamber (RC) measurements.
- Support for more accredited calibration labs and automated import of calibration.
- … and many many more
Download the LUMILOOP Installer here .
For Windows PCs use the installer .exe file.
For LUMILOOP “Plus” Devices use the .zip file.
Contact LUMILOOP support for native Linux software.