Lumiloop LSProbe Laser-Powered E‑Field Probe

This artic­le focu­ses on Lumi­loop’s laser-powered E‑field pro­bes: LSPro­be 1.2 and LSPro­be 2.0.
Check out 15 fea­tures of the uni­que mea­su­re­ment devices, which allow for high speed, high accu­ra­cy and high dyna­mic range.

LSPro­be Sys­tem with LSPro­be 1.2 E‑Field Pro­be and Com­pu­ter Inter­face CI-250

#1 Relia­ble ope­ra­ti­on – 24/7
Lumi­loop’s LSPro­bes are laser-powered. The gal­va­ni­cal­ly iso­la­ted power sup­p­ly eli­mi­na­tes the need for bat­te­ries. The minia­tu­ri­zed 3D E‑field pro­be enables unat­ten­ded, con­ti­nuous E‑field mea­su­re­ments with high reso­lu­ti­on, high speed and low noi­se.
Your focus is on the mea­su­re­ment wit­hout interruptions.

#2 Two models available

LSProbe1v2.jpg LSPro­be 1.2 cross-sectionThe LSPro­be 1.2 covers a fre­quen­cy from 10 Hz to 8.2 GHz.
The fol­lo­wing vari­ants are available:
E: fre­quen­cy 10 kHz – 8.2 GHz,
field strength 1 V/m – 1 kV/m F: fre­quen­cy 10 Hz – 8.2 GHz,
field strength 1 V/m – 1 kV/m G: fre­quen­cy 10 kHz – 8.2 GHz,
field strength 10 V/m – 15 kV/m
LSProbe2v0.jpg LSPro­be 2.0 cross-sectionThe LSPro­be 2.0 is the next-gene­ra­ti­on
elec­tric-field pro­be.
Its fre­quen­cy ran­ges from 9 kHz to 18 GHz.
The field probe’s six-mono­po­le anten­na design
ensu­res iso­tro­pic ope­ra­ti­on at all frequencies.

#3 Two Pro­bes in One
All LSPro­be models are equip­ped with two detec­tors per axis that cover a wide fre­quen­cy ran­ge. An auto­ma­tic mode sel­ects the sui­ta­ble detec­tor based on the cor­rec­tion fre­quen­cy. Of cour­se, ope­ra­ti­on modes can be sel­ec­ted expli­cit­ly via soft­ware.
Only one device needs to be cali­bra­ted regu­lar­ly, redu­cing total cost of ownership.

#4 LSPro­be Cali­bra­ti­on
Every LSPro­be E‑Field Pro­be comes with a com­ple­te set of manu­fac­tu­rer cali­bra­ti­on data for unpar­al­le­led linea­ri­ty, tem­pe­ra­tu­re sta­bi­li­ty and fre­quen­cy com­pen­sa­ti­on.
For accre­di­ted cali­bra­ti­on, Lumi­loop offers the all-round care­free ser­vice of cali­bra­ti­on accor­ding to ISO 17025. This includes che­cking your mea­su­ring equip­ment and hand­ling the accre­di­ted calibration.

#5 Posi­ti­on the LSPro­be at the place you need
Lumi­loop offers a varie­ty of stands and posi­tio­ners for the LSPro­bes. From LSPro­be Flo­or Pro­be Stand with mul­ti-pro­be moun­ting bra­ckets over exact posi­tio­ning on Table­top Pro­be Stand to Fle­xi­ble Pro­be Stand, Lumi­loop covers your stan­dard posi­tio­ning requirements.

AllProbeStands.jpg Floorprobestand.jpg

Varie­ty of Table­top Pro­be Stand Moun­ting Poles

LSPro­be Flo­or Stand Moun­ting with LSProbe

#6 Sui­ta­ble for ISO / IEC / MIL and Indus­tri­al OEM Stan­dards
You need to mea­su­re accor­ding to inter­na­tio­nal stan­dards?
Our cus­to­mers use LSPro­be E‑Field Pro­bes for:
ISO 11451–2, ISO WD 11451–5, ISO 11452–2, ISO 11452–11, IEC 61000–4‑3, IEC 61000–4‑21, ETSI EN 300 328, ETSI EN 301 893, RTCA/DO-160, num­e­rous OEM stand­an­dards, and many more.

#7 Mul­ti-Device Set­ups
The LSPro­be can be used as sin­gle mea­su­re­ment device, or in mul­ti-device set-ups. LSPro­bes can be com­bi­ned with an end­less num­ber of other LSPro­bes – four pro­bes (ISO 11451–2), eight pro­bes (IEC 61000–4‑21, ISO 11451–5), or even more.
In tho­se Mul­ti-Pro­be Sys­tems, all devices are syn­chro­ni­zed, which is espe­ci­al­ly sui­ta­ble for field dis­tri­bu­ti­on ana­ly­sis, sta­tis­ti­cal field ana­ly­sis and rever­be­ra­ti­on cham­ber appli­ca­ti­ons. The LSPro­bes are built in a LSFrame pro­duct inte­gra­ti­on frame that keeps your lab tidy, so you can focus on your measurement.

LSFrame Mul­ti Device Inte­gra­ti­on: Mul­ti-Pro­be Sys­tem with 4 LSProbes

The LSPro­be can also be com­bi­ned and syn­chro­ni­zed with LSPM Power Meters. This set­up enables you to per­fect­ly ali­gn your fast E‑Field mea­su­re­ment with fast RF power mea­su­re­ment. Kill two birds with one stone!

LSFrame Mul­ti Device Inte­gra­ti­on: 2x LSPro­be CI-250 and RF Power Meter LSPM 1.0 in 19″ rack

#8 Third Par­ty and In-House Soft­ware Inte­gra­ti­on
The LSPro­be E‑Field Pro­be is inte­gra­ted in many third par­ty EMC test auto­ma­ti­on soft­ware. In-house EMC soft­ware can easi­ly talk to the devices via well-docu­men­ted SCPI com­mands. This makes the inte­gra­ti­on into your lab sur­roun­dings as easy as pie!

#9 Keep clean and keep on mea­su­ring
Lumi­loop recom­mends the Fiber Con­nec­tor Clea­ning Kit to get rid of dust and other con­ta­mi­na­ti­on. The clea­ning kit allows for quick and easy clea­ning and inspec­tion of the fiber optic cables to ensu­re relia­ble ope­ra­ti­on. Read our Appli­ca­ti­on Note 4 for details on prac­ti­cal imple­men­ta­ti­on of fiber care.

Fiber Con­nec­tor Clea­ning Kit

#10 Indi­vi­du­al and Sum­med Axes Ana­ly­sis
LSPro­be mea­su­res the iso­tro­pic E‑field strength value as well as the three sin­gle direc­tion com­pon­ents with 500,000 samples per second. With LSPro­be 2.0, you can optio­nal­ly read out all six indi­vi­du­al axes.
All mea­su­re­ments can be log­ged at full data rate for later detail­ed ana­ly­sis, if wanted.

#11 Direct Radar Pul­se Mea­su­re­ments After Ampli­fi­ca­ti­on
The LSPro­be is capa­ble to mea­su­re radar pul­ses direct­ly in the field, after ampli­fi­ca­ti­on. This enables auto­mo­ti­ve com­po­nent test­ing (3 µs pul­ses) as well as avio­nic and mili­ta­ry appli­ca­ti­ons (1 µs pulses).

LSPro­be GUI Radar Tab

#12 Trig­ge­red E‑Field Mea­su­re­ments
Trig­ge­red E‑field mea­su­re­ments allow the user to take full advan­ta­ge of the LSPro­be E‑Field Probe’s excep­tio­nal­ly high speed mea­su­re­ments. Wave­form acqui­si­ti­on can be trig­ge­red by soft­ware or by hard­ware. The edge-sen­si­ti­ve hard­ware trig­ger signals ori­gi­na­te from the CI-250 Com­pu­ter Interface’s BNC/RJ45 con­nec­tors or the signal level with a set thres­hold for field strength trig­ge­ring. The trig­ger sys­tem has a built-in dead-time of 100 μs, i.e., it can pro­cess up to 10,000 events per second.

#13 Sweep Ana­ly­sis
The LSPro­be Field Pro­be is able to eva­lua­te an E‑field wave­form con­tai­ning a level or fre­quen­cy sweep, thus enab­ling sped-up mea­su­re­ments. For sweep mea­su­re­ments the acqui­red wave­form typi­cal­ly con­ta­ins mul­ti­ple sec­tions of equal size, whe­re each sec­tion is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by con­stant mea­su­re­ment con­di­ti­ons. Most com­mon­ly, the fre­quen­cy set­ting of a set­up is alte­red in a step-wise man­ner in order to mea­su­re the fre­quen­cy-depen­dent field strengh. Each sec­tion of the field strength wave­form will have a dif­fe­rent, con­stant fre­quen­cy asso­cia­ted with it. Dead-times at the begin­ning and end of each sec­tion may be appli­ed to account for the set­ting cha­rac­te­ristics of the set­up under test. Due to the 500 kSample/s sam­pling rate of the LSPro­be, wave­form sec­tions may be shorter than a mil­li­se­cond, enab­ling the eva­lua­ti­on of more than a thousand distinct fre­quen­ci­es per second. This method is much fas­ter than set­ting the fre­quen­ci­es indi­vi­du­al­ly and mea­su­ring field strength values via mul­ti­ple dis­crete queries.

LSPro­be GUI Sweep Tab

#14 Remo­te Power Mea­su­re­ments
LSPro­be E‑Field Pro­bes may be employ­ed for Effec­ti­ve Iso­tro­pic Radia­ted Power (EIRP) mea­su­re­ments in far-field con­di­ti­ons whe­re the distance bet­ween Field Pro­be and trans­mit­ter is known. EIRP is cal­cu­la­ted using the equa­ti­on PEIRP = (E ⋅ r)2 / 30 Ω.
E: E‑field strength in V/m; r: distance bet­ween trans­mit­ter and field pro­be in meters;
PEIRP: Effec­ti­ve Iso­tro­pic Radia­ted Power in Watts
The remo­te power sub­sys­tem sup­ports EIRP mea­su­re­ments in accordance with EN 300328 and EN 301893, inclu­ding pul­se detec­tion, cal­cu­la­ti­on of power values in dBm and gene­ra­ti­on of pul­se sta­tis­tics, inclu­ding duty cycle and aver­a­ged pul­se power. The stan­dards requi­re mea­su­re­ments at a sam­pling rate of at least 1 MSamples/s over rela­tively long con­ti­nuous stret­ches of time, e.g., one second. In mode 8 the LSPro­be Field Pro­bes con­ti­nuous­ly mea­su­re the y‑axis field strength only, ope­ra­ting at 2 MSamples/s.

#15 Vir­tu­al LSPro­be
The LSPro­be TCP Ser­ver is capa­ble of instan­tia­ting vir­tu­al CI-250 Com­pu­ter Inter­faces and asso­cia­ted E‑field pro­bes inclu­ding the simu­la­ti­on of arbi­tra­ry E‑field pat­terns.
Vir­tu­al E‑field pro­bes can replace phy­si­cal field pro­bes and signal gene­ra­tors during mea­su­re­ment set­up pre­pa­ra­ti­on, fea­ture demons­tra­ti­on, third par­ty EMC soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment and off-line signal ana­ly­sis, inclu­ding Mul­ti-Pro­be setups.

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